About Us

We are Carolyn & Aaron and we have been traveling together for years, but not enough to fulfill our wanderlust. We finally decided to sell all of our belongings and just travel the world. We have been living out of two suitcases since early 2021 and the longer we travel the more places we find out about that we want to visit. We have taken long trips before, and previously spent a year living in Cambodia. We knew that we wanted to do something different on this trip, so we started a YouTube channel and blog to share our adventures with the world.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How many countries have you visited?

So far we have traveled to 26 countries together. Here is the current list:  Mexico (14), Tanzania (2), England, South Africa (3), Lesotho, Botswana (2), Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Tonga, Turkey (2), Cambodia (4), Thailand (5), Myanmar, Vietnam (3), Laos (2), Portugal, Namibia, Malaysia (2), Nepal (2), The Philippines, India & Greece.  multiple visits in parentheses

Do you have a favorite foreign country?

This is a really difficult question to answer as we enjoy so many places for different reasons. With that said, both Mexico & Vietnam really stand out for us as one of the main reasons we travel is for the food and we just love Mexican & Vietnamese food. 

What are your future plans?

For now we just want to keep traveling as long as we are still enjoying it. We started our current trip in February of 2021 and our bucket list of places to visit just keeps growing. In the near future we are planning extended trips to both Mexico & Vietnam. We also have plans to visit some new countries in Europe. That’s about as far out as we have things planned for now.  Stay Tuned!

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